Please click on the flag icon on our store to view the countries/locations that we ship to. If you cannot see your country/location listed, then it is likely that we do not currently ship there.
Shipping Method
International shipments will be sent by DHL.
Shipping charges
Please select your delivery country/location. Shipping costs are calculated automatically at checkout and depend on destination country/location of the package.
Customs clearance, duties and taxes
Please comply with all laws and regulations set forth by the shipping country/region/state.
Customs clearance requirements vary by destination. Please contact the appropriate customs agency for details.
Please note that customs clearance procedures may delay delivery beyond the originally scheduled delivery date. Please understand this in advance.
Duties & Taxes
Import duties and taxes may apply upon receipt of international orders. These duties & taxes are beyond our control as they are set by the Customs Authority of the destination country/location and depend on a number of factors, such as:
・Country/location of origin of the purchased product
・Local VAT rates
・Local import taxes
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